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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Making Your Own Decisions: Adults Should Keep Their Personal Opinions Away From Children

Making Your Own Decisions: Adults Should Keep Their Personal Opinions Away From Children

April 25, 2019

By Daniel Isacksen Children should be given space to form their own opinions without influence from their parents or other adults. Children are like sponges when it comes to learning new information,...

Students and Staff Weigh in on What                                   Makes a Good Teacher

Students and Staff Weigh in on What Makes a Good Teacher

Sofie Nehlsen June 6, 2018

  Teachers play a huge role in students day-to-day lives. Students spend about one-third of their time at school being taught and influenced by their teachers. Many teachers have vastly different...

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to Nonla Burger

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to Nonla Burger

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, I read ‘Nonla Burger: A Retro Sit-Down with A Modern Twist’ by Abigail Lindblade. I liked the article because it was about food of course. I also liked it because it gave me an idea on...

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to the Good Boys of Norrix

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to the Good Boys of Norrix

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, I have read the article, “The Good Boys of Norrix,” and I am confused as to the purpose of the article. The article was titled, “The Good Boys of Norrix,” but it did not describe anything...

Letters to the editor: Compliments and Critiques of the Newspaper

Letters to the editor: Compliments and Critiques of the Newspaper

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, I read Knights Speak in the newspaper. I liked how it included everyone’s opinions and didn’t put any bias. I like this because everyone should have a voice here. One thing I didn’t...

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to Mental Illness

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to Mental Illness

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, When reading mental illness in school and the unheard pleas for help I thought the article addressed the more taboo topics most people avoid talking about. I thought the author went about...

Letters to the Editor: Students Share Opinions on Gun Control

Letters to the Editor: Students Share Opinions on Gun Control

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, I liked the article about teachers having and not having guns. I thought it was interesting to see the claims and argument they would have. I like the one saying teachers should not have guns...

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to National Walkout Coverage

Letters to the Editor: Students Respond to National Walkout Coverage

Olivia Ely June 5, 2018

Dear Editor, I read the Knight’s Speak opinions about the walk protest. I really liked the answer choices, because they really captivated the thoughts of those who protested and of who opted-out. I know...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

June 12, 2017

Dear Editor, I really enjoyed your piece on the People's Choice Awards. It was a good representation of the concept, and really shows what the awards are all about. I believe that the awards gave a good...

Friendship and Politics Shouldn't Mix

Friendship and Politics Shouldn't Mix

Isaac Rubin May 31, 2017

“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend,” said Thomas Jefferson. This quote by Thomas Jefferson is the mindset you...

Letter to the Editor - Nov. 9, 2016

Letter to the Editor – Nov. 9, 2016

November 9, 2016

Dear Editor, I am proud that all of our varsity football players stand by choice for the National Anthem. I do feel if a person does not stand, it is showing disrespect for our country and the people in...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community